13 Best Things to Do in Siem Reap

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The Angkor Wat temple complex, which is in Siem Reap, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the province’s main draw. Many tourists come to this place because of its historical importance and beautiful architecture.

A lively local culture can also be found in the city, with busy markets and traditional shows. Cambodia is a beautiful country with many old temples to see, delicious food to eat, and friendly people to meet. Beautiful scenery, like rice fields and floating villages, surrounds the province. It has a unique mix of history and natural beauty.

Visitors to Siem Reap who want to learn more about Southeast Asia’s old wonders will have a rich and memorable trip.

Psar Chaa (old Market)

Cambodia’s Siem Reap is a lively city known for its long past and beautiful buildings. Psar Chaa, which is also called the Old Market, is a must-see place in Siem Reap. People can come here to experience the busy, sound- and sight-filled environment of a traditional Cambodian market.

The market has a lot of different things for sale, from fresh food and spices to handmade goods and gifts from the area. It’s a great place to get to know the local culture because the bright colors and smells are so pleasing to the senses.

Psar Chaa is also a great place to try real Cambodian food, as there are many food stands there selling tasty meals. An important part of visiting Siem Reap is going to Psar Chaa, whether you want to find unique gifts or just enjoy the lively atmosphere.

War Museum Cambodia

Cambodia’s Siem Reap is a fascinating place to visit with a lot of history and culture. The War Museum Cambodia is one of the must-see places in the area. It gives tourists a moving look into the country’s past. The museum has a lot of items and displays that show how the war affected Cambodia and its people.

The military trucks, weapons, and personal items in the museum give a sobering look into what war is really like. People in Cambodia have shown that they are strong and resilient in the face of hardship. Going to the War Museum Cambodia is both educational and a strong way to honor those who have lived through the hardships of war.

Kbal Spean

Visitors can find a lot of interesting things to do in Siem Reap, a lively city in Cambodia. You should check out Kbal Spean, which is also known as the “River of a Thousand Lingas.” This holy place is in Phnom Kulen National Park and is famous for the detailed paintings in the rocks over the river and around the site.

If you walk through the thick bush, you’ll find these old carvings of Hindu gods for you to see. The area is beautiful and mysterious, and the natural beauty adds to the atmosphere. It is a calm and peaceful place to visit. Kbal Spean is not only beautiful to look at, but it also has important religious and cultural meanings.

It really is a place where history and nature come together, giving travelers who want to learn more about Cambodia’s rich past a unique and memorable experience.

Banteay Srey Butterfly Center

There are many interesting things to see and do in Siem Reap, and the Banteay Srey Butterfly Center is one of the best. This one-of-a-kind center’s sole purpose is to protect and preserve beautiful butterfly species that are native to Cambodia. From the moment you step into the lush greenery, these tiny creatures will flutter around you in a kaleidoscope of colors.

There is a lot of information at the center about butterflies’ life cycles and habits, which helps people learn more about these interesting bugs. Take your time and look around the beautifully landscaped gardens. You can find many native plants that draw and help these beautiful butterflies.

Being so close to these amazing creatures is fascinating, and the Banteay Srey Butterfly Center is a must-see for anyone who loves nature and animals.

Angkor Night Market

People love to visit Siem Reap because it has a lot of culture and fun things to do at night. People who come to the city should definitely go to the Angkor Night Market, which is a busy place with lots of local crafts, tasty street food, and live entertainment.

People from all over Cambodia come to this market, which is a great place to get to know the country’s traditions and culture. When you go to Siem Reap, you should definitely take the time to walk through the market’s brightly colored stalls and talk to the friendly sellers.

Everyone who goes to the Angkor Night Market will have a great time, whether they’re looking for gifts to take home or just want to enjoy the lively atmosphere.

Angkor Center For Conservation Of Biodiversity

The Angkor Center for Conservation of Biodiversity is in the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia. Wildlife preservation and the protection of rare species are the main goals of this center. It’s a safe place for animals that have been saved from poaching and illegal wildlife trade.

People who go to the center can learn about how to protect wildlife and why it is important. The center also does study and educational activities to get more people interested in protecting wildlife. It is a place that people who care about protecting wildlife and the environment must see.

Kulen Waterfalls

The magnificent Kulen Waterfalls in Siem Reap make the city a beautiful place to visit. With its cool pools, lush grass, and peaceful atmosphere, it’s an adventurer’s dream. The sight of the water falling is truly stunning, making it a great place to unwind and recharge.

As you walk along the paths that lead to the falls, you’ll be mesmerized by the beautiful scenery and peaceful sounds of nature. There is a great chance to connect with nature and get away from the busy city life at the Kulen Waterfalls.

Whether you’re a nature lover, a photographer, or just someone looking for a quiet place to relax, this beautiful place will give you an amazing experience.

Siem Reap Food Tour

There is a lot of great food in Siem Reap, Cambodia, which is a beautiful city known for its history and culture. Start a food trip through the busy streets of Siem Reap to taste all of its different tastes. The city has a huge variety of delicious foods, from traditional Khmer meals like Fish Amok and Lok Lak to tasty street foods like Fried Tarantulas and Khmer Red Curry.

Don’t miss the chance to check out the lively local markets and try some interesting foods and drinks. The food scene in Siem Reap is a wonderful mix of smells and tastes that will make you want more. Discover the city’s secret culinary gems and take your taste buds on an unforgettable culinary adventure.

Cambodian Circus Show

People love to visit Siem Reap in Cambodia because it has so much culture history and beautiful old temples. Do not miss the amazing and one-of-a-kind Cambodian Circus Show while you are visiting this lively city. These amazing Cambodian artists use acrobatics, theater, music, and dance to bring amazing stories to life in this fascinating performance.

The artists do amazing stunts and acts that resist gravity with such ease that the audience is amazed by their skills and quickness. The Cambodian Circus Show is a great example of the country’s artistic skill and should be seen by people of all ages.

Are you ready to be blown away by the artistic brilliance and sheer commitment of these performers? The Cambodian Circus Show in Siem Reap will definitely be one of the best parts of your trip to this amazing city.

Kampong Phluk Floating Village

People who want to have a unique culture experience often go to Siem Reap, Cambodia. While this city has many things to see and do, the Kampong Phluk floating town is one of the best. This unique town is on the floodplains of Tonle Sap Lake. It gives tourists a look into the daily lives of the people who live in houses on stilts above the water.

Exploring Kampong Phluk is like going on a deep dive into a lively town whose people depend on the lake for their survival. You will see traditional fishing methods, floating schools, and how strong the people are as they adjust to the changing seasons as you make your way through the narrow waterways.

This village’s peaceful mood is a nice break from the busy city, and it gives you a real taste of life in Cambodia’s countryside. People who want to have an unforgettable culture experience should not miss Kampong Phluk, which is a hidden gem in Siem Reap.

Cambodia Landmine Museum

With its rich cultural history and beautiful sights, Siem Reap is a fascinating place to visit in Cambodia. The Cambodia Landmine Museum is one of the most important places to see in the city. It shows the country’s sad past in a powerful way. The museum not only tells people about how terrible landmines are, but it also shows how strong and resilient the people who have been hurt by them are.

The museum shows how people are still working to clear landmines and promote peace in the area through displays and personal stories. It’s a strong warning of how important it is to work for a safer and better future for everyone.

Pub Street

Cambodia’s Siem Reap is a lively city known for its lively Pub Street. There are many restaurants, bars, and nightclubs on the street, making it a popular place for both tourists and locals to hang out. People can look around the busy night market, try some local treats, and enjoy live music and other entertainment.

Pub Street is a must-see for anyone traveling through Siem Reap because of its lively mood and wide range of food options. As the night goes on, the street comes to life with bright lights and a lively atmosphere, making it a unique experience for tourists who want to try the city’s nightlife.

Angkor National Museum

Siem Reap is a beautiful place to visit, known for its long past and old temples. People who want to learn more about the culture of the area should definitely go to the Angkor National Museum. The museum has a huge collection of items and displays that show how great the Khmer Empire used to be.

There are statues and carvings that are very complicated, and each one tells a story that will amaze people. Every artifact in the museum tells a story about the interesting past of the area. It’s like going on a trip through time.

When you go to the Angkor National Museum, you don’t just see the sights; you get to the heart of Siem Reap’s culture.

Visit The Temples Of Angkor

People come to Siem Reap, Cambodia, from all over the world to see its beautiful buildings, especially the famous Angkor Wat. The Khmer Empire had a lot of history and culture, and these old buildings show that.

When you visit Angkor’s temples, you feel like you’ve gone back in time because of the ornate carvings, tall towers, and mysterious atmosphere. Each temple, like the well-known Angkor Wat, the mysterious Bayon Temple, and the spooky Ta Prohm, gives you a different experience and a look into the past.

The gigantic and amazing size of these buildings amazes and amazes everybody who sees them. To get the most out of your trip, you might want to hire a guide who knows a lot about the history and meanings of these amazing buildings. Whether you’re interested in history, photography, or just want to have a spiritual experience, you should not miss seeing the temples of Angkor in Siem Reap.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Siem Reap

What Are The Top Attractions In Siem Reap?

The famous Angkor Wat, the Bayon Temple, and Ta Prohm, a temple covered in tree roots, are some of the best things to see in Siem Reap.

What Is The Best Time To Visit Siem Reap?

From November to March, during the dry season, is the best time to visit Siem Reap. The weather is cooler, and it doesn’t rain as often.

How Long Should I Stay In Siem Reap?

A good amount of time to spend in Siem Reap is three to four days. This will give you enough time to fully enjoy the temples and other sights in the area.


The old wonders and lively culture of Siem Reap draw people in. Visit its temples and learn about the customs of the area. Enjoy the beauty of this Cambodian gem. Let Siem Reap’s beauty and warmth help you make experiences that will last a lifetime. Make your plans, and let this place charm you.